Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cold, wet, snowy.....

It's cold, wet, and snowy.

Kip and I went for a short walk in the woods, hoping to find at least some uplifting sights, but they seemed to be in short supply. Kip kept looking up, wondering where those fat white blobs were coming from.....

His warm feet made very clear Kip tracks!

Near the road we saw lots of Raven tracks. They must have held a dance last night.

 Spruce and Balsam Firs were dripping:

Bracken fronds, leaning over and hanging down were a beautiful, but wet, reddish brown:

Other than that, it was as I said, cold, wet and snowy. We gave up and went home. On the way I stopped at the plant shed and found a happy surprise, a first flower open on a Cattleya seedling:

 The first flowers on orchid seedlings are often not quite as impressive as the flowers will be later when the plant is more mature, but this one is lovely.

Maybe I'll just stay in the plant shed until spring.


  1. Wet, cold and snowy though it may have been, in your pictures it looks snowy, peaceful and pleasant. And that is one handsome dog you have there!

  2. Yes, isn't he! I choose him out of 14 puppies because he has brown eyebrows! 14 pups bouncing up and down in a tiny shed 6' square.... impossible to choose but he stood out! Kip is the best companion!
